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Children's E-Book "I Wish I Were a Shark" By Dan Jackson

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I REALLY loved reading this First Editon E-Book written by Dan Jackson to my son Blake. There were many different parts that appealed to me, starting with the amazing and facinating real life shark photos, not silly or cheesy cartoons. This gave my child a chance to have an actual learning experience by reading the book and opened up the floor with me to have a discussion about animals in their natural habitats and what they do there. That was a really nice touch. The story, in my opinion, also is something that children can relate to, the constant wishing, hoping, and waiting to be "bigger", "faster", and more influential then they are at the current moment. I really enjoyed that the author Dan not only re-itterated these common thoughts of children but stated WHY the shark wanted these things, helping children relate to thier own feelings and understand. The ONLY thing I would change in the story is how there is really no wrap up or transition to the end of the book. I would ease into the last sentence and not write "The End" but perhaps have the author realize a positive thing they CAN do right now and be happy with theirself for who they ARE, maybe even add that they can find a way to soon be doing all the things they wish for without having to be a shark at all, if they try.

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